Reebok “Easter” Courtee Sneakers

Reebok recently debuted the “Easter” Courtee, a woman’s retro-inspired high top that celebrates everyone’s favorite Pagan holiday, Easter. (Easter was originally pronounced “Ishtar” who was a ‘Mother Goddess’ polytheistic in many religious sects. The mother came to be known as a symbol of fertility; the rabbit is a rapidly reproducing mammal and worked perfectly as a symbol for Ish. The origin of the “Easter Eggs” is a bit more varied–many consider the egg to be a symbol of fertility but many critcs accept the tradition dates back to the Babylonians who believed that an egg of wondrous size fell from heaven into the Euphrates River. The hard-shelled parcel produced the Goddess Astarte, or “Easter.”) Anywho, the Courtee incorporates a gradient pattern that seamlessly matches the model’s pastel toebox with an otherwise all-grey upper. Grey/powder blue, grey/pink, and grey yellow will be available sometime around the holidays. Via unbar.

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